Mary J. Blige - Ain't Really Love

I must admit, that Mary has sort of decline in recent years. However, as per usual, she always shines on tales of a women scorned. "Ain't Really Love" personifies the notion that being in even an emotionally abusive relationship is not really love. Produced and written by Brian Michael-Cox, the ballad finds Mary going in on her significant other.

The best line, hands down, finds Mary snapping back when her significant other says "you'd never have these problems from a white chick." Mary quickly notes that he took her "to the level of some bull shit" with that statement. I died of happiness when I first heard that because it's just such a powerful notion.

However, Mary goes further my relaying the universal notion that "I know I love you but I love myself too." In life and love, sometimes, we as humans, just have to put ourselves first because their will be many times when no one else will.

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