Marsha Ambrosius - Far Away

I knew Marsha Ambrosius' "Far Away" was something special; however, I had no idea how special, until I saw the music video. Produced by Just Blaze and written by the songstess, "Far Away" is a song for the ages.

Lyrically, the song tells the story of a lost loved one and Marsha simply "can't believe that you're (they're) far away." However, the video shows something even more. The video relays the tale of a homosexual couple, one of whom is brutally attacked by a group of men. Subseqeuently, it appears that one of the two committs suicide shortly thereafter.

The music video ends with this letter: Dear friends, every year over 1 million people commit SUICIDE. Some were BULLIED because of their SEXUALITY. I lost a friend to SUICIDE and I'm asking all of you to support alternative lifestyles. Don't put up with or join in with BULLYING. It's time we become more aware in this WORLD. Take responsiblity to make a difference. So if my MUSIC can save one life, I've done my job. I love you all so much! - Marsha

If that doesn't make you a fan, I have NO WORDS because it sure made me one.

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