Dirty Money - Last Train To Paris

I've been waiting to write this review for quite some time. First, of course, I have to shout out Diddy. From one Howard University Alum to another, "Last Train To Paris" by Dirty Money is a winner. Notably, the production on every single song is on point; however, Dawn Richard & Kalena Harper's vocals take it to an entirely different level.

The album begins with the alternative tracks "Yeah Yeah Yeah You Would" and "I Hate That You Love Me." Both, encompass the direction I feel that this album intended. Hip-Hop beats, smooth vocals, with old school funk mixed with new age swing.

The album continues with current promo single "Ass On The Floor" and I must stress that Dawn and Kalena kill it with the vocals. A love ballad, mixed with an intensely hype hook, the song is quite unique. Also somewhat verbally explicit, the track is overall a winner and makes me wonder why it wasn't released as a single earlier.

In fact, that notion is prominent through out the LP. "Yesterday" and "I Know" both featuring Chris Brown, "Your Love" featuring Trey Songz, and "Looking For Love" featuring Usher are all stronger then the majority of the singles released from LTTP and have high potential to be hits. I suppose this is a #kanyeshrug moment.

Never quite sold on the original, "Last Night Pt. 2" is similar to the aforementioned tracks in that it perfectly mixed hip-hop production with an R&B outer layer. Demoted to a bonus track, I feel the song is the strongest song on the LP and describes a relationship where one person is giving more then the other. However, they are willing to stay and work this situation out in the name of love.

Pop single "Coming Home" is currently Top 5 on the Billboard charts and of course, the third Urban single, also the song that inclined me to buy the album, "Love You Know More" featuring Drake perfectly closes "Last Train To Paris."

All in all, I really feel that this is a cohesive album that its solid from start to finish. I, personally, could have without the rap verses, but most of them do contribute to the hip-hop core purpose of the project. I've got to hand it to Diddy for crafting and LP that has me hopping I don't ever miss the last train.

Chris' Picks: Last Night Pt. 2, Looking For Love, & I Know

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