Katy & Ke$ha - E.T./Blow

Katy & Ke$ha have released their new singles and I wanted to discusss them together. Of course, I would have preferred "Hummingbird Heartbeat" or "Last Friday Night" to be released next by Katy, but this "E.T." remix with Kanye is "supernatural" and most importantly I'm glad that she is switching up with each single release. Katy sounds in control and in love. I love it and hope it smashes.

Ke$ha on the other hand continues to release pretty much that same, similar-themed song over and over again. Even so, I can't knock her for it because "Blow" is hot and why mess with a formula if it isn't broken? It sets the party mood that is about "blooooowwwww-ohohoh-oh!"

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